King William’s College and The Buchan School is thrilled to announce its plans for consolidation of its campus, marking the start of an exciting new chapter in the School’s history.

Following careful planning with a professional design team, multiple scenarios were explored and presented to the Governing Board in April. The School presented the plans to parents and staff this week on the same day as its Summer Open Day.

The announcement includes preliminary designs and mood boards and a timeline outlining the consolidation process, which can be viewed HERE.

Principal Damian Henderson conveyed his excitement, stating: “We are thrilled to reveal the overarching vision of consolidating our School onto one site. This marks the commencement of an extraordinary journey and, while there are technical details to be ironed out, we are eager to involve our community every step of the way. This consolidation represents an exhilarating new chapter for King William’s College and The Buchan School.”

In addition to the logistical benefits of streamlined operations and improved efficiency, the consolidation promises a wealth of educational advantages for students. By centralising resources and activities, the School aims to cultivate a more enriching and holistic learning environment, including enhanced collaboration, access to specialised facilities and resources, expanded extracurricular opportunities and the fostering of an even stronger sense of community.

Mr Henderson added:

“The consolidation of King William’s College and The Buchan School onto one site represents our continued commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience for our students, while optimising resources and maximising opportunities for growth and collaboration.”

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