King William’s College is celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results, with its 69 Upper Fifth (Year 11) students achieving an overall pass rate (9-4 or A*-C) of 89%, 22% of grades being at 9/8 or A* and 41% of grades at 9-7 or A*/A. This is the best set of results (excluding the Covid years) by this metric since 2016.

We are delighted to recognise the students who have earned Full Academic Colours in this year’s GCSE results. This prestigious award is given to those who achieved straight A*/A or 9-7 grades, with a minimum of five grades at A*/8. Students with any lower grades can offset them by achieving additional A*/8/9s, making this accomplishment all the more impressive. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Sophie Bateson, Alexander Brown, Sam Fearnley, Charlotte Geldart, Arne Gödden, Amélie Harding, Guy McGuinness, Emilia Steriopulos and Jacob Turner for receiving this significant honour.

There has been yet more good news for the Middle Fifth (Year 10) who received their GCSE Religious Studies results today. With 92% achieving grades 9-4 a year early, this cohort is well placed to achieve further success next summer in their remaining subjects.

These excellent results follow on from the International Baccalaureate (IB) success of our Upper Sixth (Year 13) earlier in the summer, where students achieved a creditable overall average of 31.3 points, with five students scoring a remarkable 40 points or more. The range of university courses they will be taking up is impressive, with over 80% of leavers heading for their preferred destination and many students benefiting from the earlier results day (5th July) to get on and plan accommodation and travel – they will make a strong start to their next stage in life.

Principal Damian Henderson said:

“These GCSE results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and staff. Achieving an 89% pass rate, with 41% of grades at A*/A or 9-7, is truly outstanding and the best we’ve seen since 2016. I’m particularly proud of those who have earned Full Academic Colours, an exceptional achievement that reflects their commitment to excellence. Our Middle Fifth students also deserve recognition for their early success in Religious Studies, positioning them for even greater achievements next year. Together with our recent IB results, this has been a remarkable year for our students at King William’s College.”

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